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A very special place in Dr. Tae Yun Kim‘s garden was being literally and completely overrun by Calla Lilies.  They had choked out all other plants, and the gardeners dug up all the Calla Lilies to plant them elsewhere, where they could spread in peace and not endanger any other plants.

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See just how tight these plants were?  Time for some serious “pruning.”  The gardeners were busy at work, picking up the plants very carefully and removing every last little bit of rhizome from the ground.  Or so they thought.

When the following spring arrived, the Calla lilies were back more plentiful, more beautiful, and stronger than ever!

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Dr. Tae Yun Kim smiled as she admired the sheer beauty and the determination of these plants!  What she teaches about the human mind, also applies to plants:

“What you think is the worst thing that could happen to you often turns out to be a powerful force for good.  When something terrible happens to you, use it to form determination and a purpose.  You have a choice as to how you will respond in every situation.  You alone determine whether an event will have a positive or negative impact, depending on the quality of your response.” (The Silent Master, page 32)

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