When Dr. Tae Yun Kim grew up in Korea, having a garden was a necessity for survival, and not some sort of hobby.  Of course, people weren’t really growing pretty flowers (except perhaps rich people in the city or at the royal court) – they grew food in whatever space they had available.  If you didn’t plant, you didn’t harvest, and you didn’t eat!

When Dr. Tae Yun Kim was little, her family didn’t grow these….

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but mostly rice, potatoes, radishes, carrots and other down home foods.  There was nothing fancy, only plants that could produce well and reliable, and were not considered a luxury item.

Now that Dr. Tae Yun Kim has a wonderful and large garden, you can find different kinds of grapes in it.  In case you didn’t know, here is how grapes look when they are very small:


The flowers are barely gone, and the tiny little round things are future grapes!

To Dr.  Tae Yun Kim, even something as simple as growing grapes, is very important.  She enjoys nature on many levels, and growing grapes fills her with joy – as a little ostracized and abused girl, she could never even dream of eating grapes, and now, she is growing them in her own garden!

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The power is in you, it is your personal choice what you do in  your life!