Spring, what a wonderful time!  There is beauty and new life pretty much everywhere you look in the garden; everything is fresh and new!  Dr. Tae Yun Kim encourages us to also use this time to renew ourselves through self reflection.  

In walking through the beautiful garden, I had to think about what I had just read in Dr. Tae Yun Kim‘s book, “Seven Steps to Inner Power.”

“Making time for self-reflection is essential in our busy twenty-first century.  If anything, the demands on us are greater today than ever before.  When we get so busy, the important work of self reflection and communion with our Silent Master can get left behind.  But as a warrior on the path to inner power, you know that you are in control of your time.  An effective way to make time for this important inner work is to start booking appointments with yourself.  When you have an important meeting, you clear your schedule.  Other things may come up, but you dedicate yourself to it and it alone.  Schedule a meeting with yourself and give yourself the same dedicated time.  Claim this time as your own.  Value yourself enough to set aside an hour to review and evaluate what’s happening in your life, to reflect back, to look yourself in the ey, and to commit to what you need to do moving forward.” (page 166.)