Today, Dr. Tae Yun Kim invited me into her garden.  It is absolutely beautiful any time of year, but especially during summer, when the thousands (yes, that’s right, thousands) of roses in all kinds of colors and sizes) are in full bloom and the entire garden looks and smells outstandingly enticingly wonderful!  🙂

Now Dr. Tae Yun Kim is inviting you too, to share the beauty of her roses – like she teaches during her Jung Suwon meditation classes, let’s take in a deep breath, close your eyes for a moment, and come, follow  Dr. Tae Yun Kim through the garden of life….

Ahhh, feel better already?  Before we continue, here is a gem from one of Dr.  Tae Yun Kim’s books, “The Silent Master,”

“Right now, I set myself free from every thought, feeling, and action that is not my true self.  I allow my joy, my love, my happiness to shine in me every moment unhindered by anyone or anything.  My love and joy are creative loveliness, beauty, peace, and harmony in all my actions and in every place I go.  The love of my Silent master fills all space.  I know my mind is free, my spirit is free, my love is free, and everywhere i turn my love comes back to me, showing me that Love is the energy of all manifestation.”

Sit down for a moment – relax – take in all that beauty that Dr. Tae Yun Kim  is sharing. Look and see God’s creation all around you.  Feel the peace and tranquility.

It was a pleasure walking through Dr. Tae Yun Kim’s garden with you!  I trust you feel energized, full of joy and ready to go!