In Dr. Tae Yun Kim s garden, the Azalea and Rhododendron corner is one of my favorite places.  It is such a happy place.  The plants always show their best, their brightest, and always brighten my mood, no matter what it is when I first get there.

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This reminds me of the great wisdom of Dr. Tae Yun Kim, as she put it in her book, “The Silent Master:”

“Whatever your material goals are, the purpose of achieving any goal is to arouse the natural joy and happiness already within you.  True happiness is feeling your own spiritual qualities, not limited, negative thoughts and feelings.  True happiness is spiritual because it is never dependent on just material things or material success.  There is great freedom when you know this because you can never lose your joy, never lose your power, never lose your happiness, no matter what your material circumstances are.”

2013-04-16 18.12.07I love that no matter what happens around them – these flowers continue to give joy through their beauty, give strength through their strength, and give happiness by being true to themselves.

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So, let us be like these beautiful Azaleas, and always be true to ourselves, no matter what circumstances we are in!