During this season, when there is so much sickness going around, Dr. Tae Yun Kim has been focusing a lot on natural remedies; and has been introducing helpful healing recipes that are also delicious!

Here is a very ancient healing food that really makes a big difference when you have a cold, sore throat or other such sickness.  Dr. Tae Yun Kim has been making this in several different variations, and each one of them helps you get better faster.  (as in all things concerning your health, please always consult your doctor for any health issues you have.)

It is a very simple, but powerful recipe.  Start with a Korean pear per person; and hollow it out, leaving the bottom intact, and slicing off the top as a “lid.”  Fill the cavity with raw, sliced chestnuts, as much as will fit, and add dried jujube dates, pine nuts if you can get them, and a generous helping of cinnamon, ginger and honey.  Put the pears into a pot with boiling water, as much water as fill come up to 3/4 of the pears height.  Add cinnamon, honey and ginger to the water, and boil the pears about 20 minutes – half hour.  For full medicinal benefit, serve as hot as tolerated.  

And while you are on the way to getting better, always remember this particular excerpt about being patient, from Dr. Tae Yun Kim‘s book, “Seven Steps to Inner Power:”

“Patience is knowing the truth and expecting the truth to manifest.  …Your life is a work in progress.  It takes time for you to grow and mature.  Everything requires a certain time frame for its completion.”