
I might have mentioned before that Dr. Tae Yun Kim has recommended as the top goal for the year: focus on your health.

I think that’s a great goal to have – because without your health – you really can’t do much of anything.

To kick off the New Year, Dr. Tae Yun Kim gave a very simple recipe, one that is easy to follow, easy to do every day, and very tasty as well.

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We all know that lemons have a lot of vitamin C, right?  But did you know that lemons are great in fighting high cholesterol, that they help balance the body’s pH, help detoxify the liver, and have a bunch of other health benefits.  More about that later, in a different post.

So, in the morning, before you do or eat anything else,

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Squeeze one lemon (per person), add 1-2 teaspoons of unprocessed organic honey (you can leave it out if you don’t mind the taste) and fill your cup with hot water – dissolve the honey and enjoy!  Pay attention to how you feel right after, during the day and after a few days – can you feel the difference?

There will be more about the benefits of lemons up on this blog soon – interspersed with Dr. Tae Yun Kim’s new and incredibly delicious salads, and other delicacies.

Your thoughts create reality is what Dr. Kim is doing!