Dr. Tae Yun Kim loves her vegetable garden; and this time of year it is overflowing with mounds of delicious cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes of all kinds, melons and on and on.  And not only is everything grown organically, it’s always picked at their peak, and prepared and eaten the same day.  It can’t get healthier and tastier than that!  Just think of all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and of course fiber.  

Dr. Tae Yun Kim never gets tired of eating fresh vegetables.  Even so, she loves to come up with new recipes.  Above you see a picture of her very own recipe fore stuffed zucchini, which is basically a zucchini – in the picture you see the Korean kind, oval shaped and a lighter green – and stuffed with a mixture of sauteed mushrooms, garlic, chopped green onions,  a bit of cooked ground beef and spices.

Of course, in the summer time even Kimchi gets a make-over, see what Dr. Tae Yun Kim did to transform a couple of summer squash into amazing kimchi! 

Stay in tune for more delicious ideas on how to enjoy your harvest!