So, you would think that right after Christmas I wouldn’t want to bake any more cookies. However, since simply didn’t have time for cookies during Christmas, I really wanted to catch up on the unbaked cookies, waiting to happen.
Besides, Dr. Tae Yun Kim, just recently returned from 2 months in Korea, always emphasizes that we determine when there is a season – let the season serve you, don’t become a slave to it. Just because Christmas is usually December 25th – if your circumstances prevent you from celebrating on that date, why not do it another day? Isn’t that the very message of Christmas?

Bowl is ready…well, sort of
So, here I was, looking at 2 recipes for chocolate chip cookies, undecided which one to bake, when a bunch of Jung Suwon demo team members stormed into the kitchen. “What are you gonna bake?” they wanted to know. When I told them I hadn’t made up my mind yet as to which of the recipes, they gleefully told me that I should do both, with their help. We could do a very scientific comparison as to which recipe would produce the best cookies!
How could I say no to these budding scientists! So, we went to work, busily measuring, mixing, shaping and baking cookies.
Here are the two recipes we used:
Shirley’s gluten free brown sugar chocolate chip cookies
Worlds Best Chocolate Chunk Cookies – unfortunately the website for this recipe doesn’t exist anymore, so use whatever recipe you feel like comparing 😉
The first taste test, starting with testing the cookie dough (science is all about being thorough, right?) proved that both recipes had superior tasting dough and we had to cut short this test in order to have enough left for the baked version.
Then the real test started. I couldn’t believe some of the vocabulary I heard from these kids, that normally don’t have such refined and amazing words! I heard “ethereal”, “light as a feather”, “melt in your mouth” and a lot more of those kinds of expressions. When asked which of the cookies produced what reaction, I felt a certain resistance.
I was informed that after just one test, you couldn’t really tell, right? So on they went, to round two of the very scientific test, munching down another set of cookies. After a lot of head tilting and squinting and looking like they were deeply thinking, they announced another round of testing was necessary for statistical reasons.
And so it went. After they couldn’t possibly eat any more cookies, and with a mischievous look on all their faces, it was decided that another batch of each was needed to make sure the quality is consistent and that the goodness wasn’t just a fluke. 😉
Ok, and as for my opinion? Well, I am not being politically correct here, I am just saying as it is: each of those recipes makes a most outstanding cookie, and it just depends what you are looking for. If you want something nostalgic that reminds you of afterschool cookies and milk, or when you just plain in need of something comforting, my vote goes to Shirley’s cookies.
If you look for something airy and ethereal, and melt in your mouth quality, then Brittany’s cookies are your choice.
So, there you have it, from the experts.
And here is a word from a more universal expert, my Martial Arts teacher Dr. Tae Yun Kim:
“Each person, each being, has their own beauty. A daisy is just as beautiful as a rose, but it is very different. It should never try to be like a rose, but be the best daisy it can be. And a dolphin will never be able to fly like an eagle, and neither should the eagle try to swim like the dolphin. Each has their own unique beauty and place in this world, and each needs to fill their very special place in this Universe.”
They’re both delicious!
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Yummy !
These are amazing warrior cookies!! I’m in the picture so I can vouch for them! 🙂
I look forward tontghe next batch! Need a tester to be hired? Count me in!
Jung Su!
– Jonathan Palmer
Reblogged this on Thoughts from a Warrior.
I so LOVE this post, Angela!! I am honored to have had my cookies in the competition! And this is my kind of competition … there are no losers! But you pretty much knew that looking at the cookies and reading the ingredients beforehand, right. 😉
Thanks so much, dear! You rock! xo,
Thanks so very much, dear friend! So glad you liked this! Thanks for the recipe too!
What a fun post! I love the excitement of the testers (I don’t blame them for being excited). Hmmm, I’m think I’d go for old fashioned, after-school, comfort cookies. But then again, I like airy and melt-in-your-mouth goodness. I guess I might have to try this experiment myself!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks Melissa! Glad you liked it! 🙂 And I can highly recommend science in action 😉