Your Silent Master Consciousness knows Itself to be immaterial in substance, but It also takes form (manifests) as your physical body and the material world around your. Thus, you may describe yourself as being both immaterial ( spiritual ) and material ( physical ) at the same time.
This is in Dr. Tae Yun Kim‘s new book Seven Steps to Inner Power – Breakthrough to Awesome. It is so powerful if you want a better life. “The power of the Silent Master within you is the power of right thinking, and the difference between a limited you an an unlimited you begins with your attitude and state of mind.”
This is very exciting for me. It inspires me to striving to get the right thinking… So I can create the most awesome life for me? What about you? I also want to share these teachings with others. I know this can help many people.
Inspired by the teachings for Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim.
by Scott Salton
Other Dr. Tae Yun Kim‘s book website: Silent Master – Awaken the Power Within
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