Look again at this Silent Master Image by Dr. Tae Yun Kim:

Silent Master Image II


Your Silent Master Consciousness

was born out of the infinite

Life Force creating and

animating the Universe…

Because you are this

Consciousness, whatever qualities

the Life Force possesses,

you possess also.


You and the Universe are inseparable; you are a Unit; you are One. The Life Force of the Universe is creative, so you are creative, also.  It is the nature of our Universe that thought takes form. Therefore, because you are an integral part of our Universe, your thinking takes form. You have been creating your life since the day you were born.

Remember this image also?

Silent Master Image IV


Your Silent Master knows

Itself as the Source of mental,

emotional, and material

Energy – your energy,

 which you are free to utilize

and control in creating what

you desire. Therefore, you

are a Co-Creator, cooperating

with the Life Force of the

Universe to shape yourself

and the world around you.


The Life Force of the Universe flows through you and beats you heart. When you think, you use Its energy to create other forms of energy, and this energy literally materializes – takes form as matter. So, everything material, both objects and events, is a “crystallization” of thought energy. The artist and musician illustrate this process quite naturally. In their work, don’t they take an intangible thought or feeling and turn it into something tangible a painting or a symphony?

by Dr. Tae Yun Kim ( page 29 )