The Silent Master has always been there.

It is silent only
when we are not aware of It, when we do not focus on It,
when we do not identify It as our Real Self. It is silent out of
neglect — our neglect. It takes effort to listen to that which is
silent. But when you make the decision to find your Silent
Master, Its power begins to unfold to just the degree you strive
to open yourself to receive It. So the question is not, Where
has the Silent Master been? The question is, Where have you
been? Let us answer this question because in so doing you will
see better how to open up to a new conception of yourself.

By Grandmaster  Tae Yun Kim

Other references:  Life Story, Sports, CEO of JSW, Workface, TKD Hall of Fame, The martial artistWoman’s Summit speaker, Martial Art Demos, Biography, …